Day 1: Welcome His Presence
There had been no text message or smartphone to announce the unexpected coming of Jesus on the sleepy slopes of Bethany that night. But in these days and in this region of the world people possessed something infinitely more valuable: unreserved hospitality. Unannounced and unexpected, Martha interrupted whatever she was doing and opened her polished home to thirteen men with dusty feet and empty stomachs.
Martha would not have been Martha if she had not been busy that night. Too often we put a pause on our prayer life until we feel less busy. We desire to get normal life out of the way in order to connect with Him. We yearn to be like Mary without acknowledging our inner Martha. This story encourages to open up our heart in our everyday, mundane life. Jesus is waiting at the door. He comes in where He is invited.
We do not have the power in and of ourselves to get us out of our rut, to change our propensities, our drive, our upbringing or the internalized critical voice of a parent but Martha's simple yes that night provided her with the single most life-transforming encounter of her life.
Jesus, I welcome your presence.
I open the door of my heart for you.
I am expectant for your coming.